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The Running for Real Podcast

Mar 26, 2021

*Note* This episode was recorded before the mass shooting in Atlanta. At Running For Real, we stand against the racism towards Asian American Pacific Islander communities that has risen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Carolyn is Taiwanese-American and grew up in Houston, Texas after her parents immigrated to the US....

Mar 19, 2021

If you or someone you care about is having a tough time through this pandemic (and we have all gone through waves of highs and lows), this episode is sure to bring comfort. This is a conversation with Renee McGregor (@r_mcgregor) about how food continues to be a coping mechanism for many people as a way to get us...

Mar 12, 2021

When you have a talent, a gift, or awards to your name for a sport, it is easy to rely on those to get things in life. Of course, you work hard, but you also are boosted with constant praise and recognition for what you can do.
When that sport is removed by personal choice or external force, there is a reckoning...

Mar 5, 2021

As someone who was known as “the girl who got her period back” for a while, I have never actually addressed periods on my podcast until now. In this two-part episode with WUKA founder Ruby Raut as well as coach, physician and researcher Megan Roche. 

Ruby was born in Nepal, and shared her experience as a young girl...