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The Running for Real Podcast

Jun 26, 2020

The declaration of Independence for the United States of America was formally declared on July 2, 1776, and signed on July 4, 1776.  However, it was not for another 144 years that Congress passed the 19thAmendment and ratified it, granting women the right to vote.  It was not until nearly 70 years ago when the United...

Jun 19, 2020

We have all experienced moments of grief.  It is devastating and life changing.  It is emotional, but very physical.  It is heavy and comes with aches and pains.  But it has also been said that grief does not change us, it reveals us.  Katie Arnold, author of Running Home: A Memoir, and winner of the 2018 Leadville 100,...

Jun 12, 2020

What has been your personal timeline coming back from pregnancy? Were you anxious to get back out on the road or into the workplace? Or did you feel like you could have been happy never leaving the house again? Did you feel pressure to do things that weren’t “just being a mom?” Or did you have mother’s guilt as...

Jun 5, 2020

We talk about motherhood a lot on this show. It’s probably second only to running itself, and for good reason. Since starting this podcast, our fearless host, Tina Muir, has been pregnant twice, and given birth to her beautiful daughter Bailey. Not only that, but Tina first stepped away from professional running to...