Jun 28, 2019
Over the years, running has given many great causes a voice. From your neighborhood kid asking for a quarter for every lap he runs, to world-famous runners using their success to raise awareness, running somehow gives clout to an organization or an idea.
We’ve seen runners raise money for cancer research, clean...
Jun 21, 2019
Running a race is a great metaphor for life. Thinking back on the classic story about the tortoise and the hare, we learned that consistency outperforms skill when the tortoise beat the hare. Running teaches us to keep our eye on the prize, as they say. Each race has its literal highs and lows, that we can easily...
Jun 14, 2019
What can you accomplish in a week? How about a year? Do you find yourself setting goals that are too big? Or maybe burden yourself with too many tasks to complete in a week?
Maybe a better question is, “What can you accomplish today? Or better yet, right now. We tend to set ourselves up for failure when we set goals...
Jun 7, 2019
Losing or gaining weight is a unique struggle for every person. We all know certain people that can eat whatever they want, and not gain an ounce. Others go to the gym for two weeks, down a protein drink or two, and put on 20lbs of muscle. Metabolism seems to be king when it comes to weight management. When identical...