Nov 17, 2017
I LOVE the episodes where we focus on the mental side of running, and this one, my friends is absolutely PACKED with information about how to be mentally stronger.
This episode is a little unique to other mental training episodes as Nicole Detling (Sport Psychologist for many Olympians) and I look at the three biggest...
May 5, 2017
You love learning about mental toughness, mental running tips, and how to mentally prepare for a big race.
I love learning about the mental aspect of running, and therefore, there are going to be a lot of sports psychologists and mental coaches on the Running for Real podcast.
Dr Bhrett McCabe has authored one of my...
Apr 14, 2017
Wouldn't it be nice if you could master your mind and your emotions? Not only would it help with your running performance, but having mental toughness is something that can help in the rest of our lives too.
Mental training is not something we are born good at, and actually, our minds are not wired to be happy, but we...